This Time, Not a Joke

Amazing what can change in a year. This time last year, I put up an April First post about the Daniel Faust series getting a movie adaptation (by Ewe Boll, no less, with Daniel and half-angel guardian-of-humanity Caitlin going on a wacky quest for pirate gold). The main joke, of course, was that there's no way the Faust series would ever get adapted to the screen.


It's way too early to share details, but I can tell you that I'm in talks with some very experienced, skilled producers (not Ewe Boll) to put together a pilot for a Faust television series. These guys know their craft, and they've got the same vision I do: a serious, dramatic series that won't tone down or compromise any of the original story. Now, I don't want to get anybody's hopes up (including mine): maybe one in a hundred exploratory projects actually gets to the "shooting a pilot" stage, and one in a hundred pilots makes it to air, and I'm probably OVERstating those odds. That said, Things are Moving, and I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, I'm back to work. Progress on The Castle Doctrine is on hold until my research trip to Vegas next month (I have to walk through a few real-life venues and check the angles before I can set scenes there, to get the details right), so I'm working on The Mysterious and Unnamed New Trilogy I Can't Tell You About Yet Because Spoilers. Suffice to say I'll be spilling the beans in October, it's something I've been laying groundwork for quite some time on, it's an epic three-part adventure I'm super-excited to share with you, and it's connected in some way to all of my previous series.

Yes, all of them.

That's it for now, take care, be safe, and don't believe anything you read on the Internet today (except for this).



Red Knight Falling, and an Important Anniversary


Even More Audio! Terms of Surrender is Live!