Holiday Sale? Why Not?
Before we get to the good stuff, I wanted to bring a quick update on Sworn to the Night. I'd hoped to have it done, locked in and even up for pre-order by now, but we've had some delays in the editing process and it's still being worked on. There's a chance we might miss the New Year's Day release date, but I'm going to do my absolute best to get it done. If it does slip, it'll only be by a few days -- it's definitely coming out in January, no matter what. I'll let you know as soon as I know for certain.
Meanwhile, how about a sale? The Complete Revanche Cycle is on sale for $2.99, down from the usual price of $9.99. That's all four books in one, over 400,000 words, and many of those words are in the correct order. It's also on sale on Amazon's UK site for a commensurate amount of...pounds? Pence? Quid? I don't understand British money. But it's definitely on sale, on both sites, until 12/27.
Also on sale until 12/27, The Long Way Down (first book of the Daniel Faust series) is going for ninety-nine cents. And because I feel like it and I said so, the novella The White Gold Score is free until Sunday. Download it, read it, bake it in a pie, do whatever you want, it's free.
Right now I'm plugging away at the manuscript for The Neon Boneyard, and I think it's going to be a fun ride. Though I have to warn you, there's a scene in this thing that made me stop writing, stare at my screen and say, "Oh, that's not right. That's not okay. That's not okay at all. Who writes something like that?"
Also, Nicky and the Twins are back, Daniel goes to the worst party ever, and Freddie Vinter flies in from Chicago to help Caitlin with a Very Important Dress. Also there's some gunfights and magic and explosions and such. And with that, I'm back to work!