Daniel Faust is Back in Germany
Hey, friends! Pleased to report that Sophias Geister, the German-language translation of Redemption Song (the second Daniel Faust novel) is out today! And I still really, really need to carve out some Duolingo time so i can make these announcements in the proper language. I hope you enjoy it!
(And because I have been asked: why did they change the title? I have absolutely no idea. It’s just one of those publishing things.)
Will there be more translations? That one I can answer. If people buy it, yes. If not, no.
I have an audiobook update, also! I’ve lined up financing and Adam Verner is currently prepping to record the audio version of Dig Two Graves, so expect that in a couple of months. Then we’ll be moving forward with the audio version of Never Send Roses. Yes, they’re coming out of order, since Never Send Roses came out first, but there’s a good reason. Can I brag about my friend a little bit, because I’m super-proud of her? Susannah has completed an absolutely gruelling few years of study and hands-on training to enter a new field where she’s helping people and doing a ton of good out there (not sure how much more I can say just yet) and right now she’s taking a very well-deserved vacation after all that hard work. So both audiobooks are coming, we just had to flip the order to make everybody’s schedules line up.
I’m deep in the trenches working on the next Harmony Black adventure. The long-delayed hunt for Bobby Diehl (which reaches a very definitive conclusion here) is leading Harmony and Jessie into a world of Silicon Valley hype, AI bullshit, and a murder mystery that may have ties to certain grey-hued gentlemen from their last mission…
Okay, time for me to get back to work. Oh, and I just found out (like, texting as I write this) that my brother Joe is getting married. YO, JOE!