Cover Reveal: A Time for Witches

Happy Tuesday, everybody. I know I’ve been silent for a bit, buried in work on the new Daniel Faust novel. I’m still hammering at the final manuscript, working to get the ending to fire on all cylinders, as well as trying to get the balance of my new medications just right (it’s an ongoing process.) Also, I’ve been learning how to work with Adobe Premiere and filming my first Patreon supporter Q&A video, which I’m hoping to finish by the end of this week. Apologies in advance for my horrible self-inflicted quarantine haircut.

Most importantly, my awesome editor Kira has finished her work on the manuscript for A Time for Witches, the sequel to Ghosts of Gotham. I’m doing the revisions right now, and we’re definitely on track for an October release. In fact, while 10/31 was the original projected launch day, I think we can do better than that. Once I finish my first revision pass, I should be able to lock down a date and get it up for pre-orders. And here’s the back-cover blurb:

“Once upon a time, Lionel Page didn’t believe in magic.

That was before his odyssey to New York City, and the quest for a lost manuscript that ended in mysteries, murder, and the buried secrets of his own past. He used to be a professional skeptic. Now he’s a witch in the service of Hekate, chasing myths across the heartland of a haunted America.

The reappearance of a hero from Greek legend is just one sign of the coming storm. There are Amazons on the highway, and death-spirits lurking in cheap roadside motels. And Madison, Lionel’s lover, is on a mission of her own. A mission, fueled by vengeance, to slay a man who can’t be killed: her ex-husband. If Lionel doesn’t catch up with her in time, neither of them will survive.

In Ghosts of Gotham, Lionel Page opened his eyes to the real world. Now he has to fight to protect it.”

And here’s the cover, designed by James Egan. Working on this book has been a delight, and I can’t wait to share it with you. More news soon!


A Time for Witches: Chapter One


Hex the Moon